That business ownership restores the financial footing under resourced individuals and can thrive with responsive, accessible, and affordable capital and resources.

MESO is a designated SBA micro-lender, an IDA fiduciary, a USDA RMAP (Rural Micro-Entrepreneur Assistance Program) lender, and a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).

MESO brings a holistic array of services and programs to small businesses. Services include Access to Capital, Business Planning and Advising, Market Research, Individual Development Accounts (IDA), Classes and Workshops, Networking, Mentoring, and connections to local Resources and Referrals.


  • A philosophy of customized support.

    with the philosophy of customized support to the needs of the business. We enter into a unique partnership with each business owner, supporting them as they navigate their way to success. We believe small businesses cannot be mass-produced – that they need personalized solutions and implementable strategies to be successful. We recognize the complex and multi-level problems experienced by entrepreneurs and offer support services in an integrated manner. Our delivery methods are dynamic and customized to the client and their business. Our commitment to clients generally spans a period of 3 to 6 years; through the deep relationships that we create, this commitment spans decades.


  • The Black United Fund of Oregon

    formed as a grassroots initiative in 2005 under the umbrella of The Black United Fund of Oregon to assist small businesses that were experiencing challenges in the wake of gentrification, new development, and increased rents in North/Northeast Portland.

    The success of the pilot and continued support from funders encouraged MESO to form its own non-profit in 2008. Since then, MESO has become a premier comprehensive small business service provider in Oregon and SW Washington, offering innovative lending and savings programs, tailored technical assistance, business education and planning, and marketing and accounting support to the underserved communities across urban and rural counties.

    MESO is a designated SBA microlender, an IDA fiduciary, a USDA RMAP (Rural Micro-Entrepreneur Assistance Program) lender, and a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). We fill a much-needed niche, working with small businesses through every stage – from asset building and credit preparedness to first loans and business launches to dozens of business expansions every year.

    Since the beginning, MESO’s work has been focused on poverty alleviation through entrepreneurship in distressed communities and distressed areas. Our impact has been significant in shifting the economic outlook for the nearly 3000 families we have served. We practice our values and mirror our clients in race and culture, which has led to trust-building, empowerment, and results such as a default rate of less than 2% and not a single business closing during the pandemic. Revenues have increased over 1600% for some and clients have bought buildings, saved for their children’s education, and planned for their retirement.


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