August 17, 2021

Client Success Three

Add a blog and update it regularly. It's a great way to stay in touch with site visitors. 

Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic, invite an expert to write about it. Having a variety of authors in your blog is a great way to keep visitors engaged.

You know your audience better than anyone else, so keep them in mind as you write your blog posts. Write about things they care about. If you have a company Facebook page that gets lots of comments, you can look here to find topics to write about.

Add a blog and update it regularly. It's a great way to stay in touch with site visitors.

Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic, invite an expert to write about it. Having a variety of authors in your blog is a great way to keep visitors engaged.

You know your audience better than anyone else, so keep them in mind as you write your blog posts. Write about things they care about. If you have a company Facebook page that gets lots of comments, you can look here to find topics to write about.



MESO Client Success
March 28, 2022
MESO Client Success
By MircoEnterprise Services of Oregon August 10, 2021
When Deanna Cohen decided to have a mural professionally painted on a wall of her child care center in North Portland, she wanted to work with an artist able to present inclusion and diversity in joyful, whimsical and inspiring ways. She found that – and more – when she commissioned Latoya Lovely to do the project. Deanna had learned about Latoya’s work through a women’s business group they were both involved in. The two met and clicked, especially when they realized they were both MESO clients. Latoya has been able to turn her artistic talent in to a successful business with support from MESO. She was part of the group of artists that recently completed a mural honoring Portland Black-owned businesses on a side of MESO’s building on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Deanna, meanwhile, credits MESO with helping her expand her business, Wow & Flutterville Play Gardens and Child Care, from a home-based business into a commercial space. At the time, she didn’t have much personal credit and couldn’t
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